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黃文成醫師 Wen-Cheng Huang

臺北醫學大學醫學模擬教育中心 教學長

Chief in Curriculum, Taipei Medical University - Center for Education in Medical Simulation


黃文成醫師參與規劃『急診醫學會超音波競賽 POCUS GAME』,藉由超音波模擬器模擬多種病例,考評參賽者病例判讀與急救處置。同時在模擬教學領域,主要從事模擬課程規劃執行,模擬師資培訓,跨領域模擬教學應用,主導開發之課程 如『翻轉急診室』及『跨團隊模擬訓程』『急重症模擬訓練』 等課程,豐富的模擬教學經驗,為醫療團隊提供完整的臨床模擬診斷能力及溝通技巧,促進跨團隊合作,提升團隊模擬經驗及臨床技能。

劉信良醫師 Hsin-Liang, Liu

成功大學急診部 主治醫師

Doctor of Department of Emergency Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital



劉信良醫師曾獲得TRM (療團隊資源管理) 根據「臨床判斷與處置」、「臨床照護」及「團隊合作」的嚴謹評分規則競賽下的擬真競賽銀獎。劉醫師具有高逼真度的情境模擬、情境的設計,以及模擬操作的豐富經驗,並且讓團隊提升臨技技能,同時加強學習到醫療團隊的合作與溝通技巧。






1999~2003 臺北榮民總醫院 麻醉部 住院醫師/總醫師
2003~2017 臺北馬偕醫院 麻醉科 主治醫師
2018~迄今 臺北榮民總醫院 麻醉部 主治醫師

Winnie Ng

Product Manager for Ultrasound Education

Currently work in Healthcare division of CAE, Inc.


Winnie studied medical imaging in 2009 and she continue her study in medical ultrasound under Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine during 2013. She worked as sonographer and clinical specialist for Obstetrics and Gynecology in Malaysia for 4 years. She has experiences to work with maternal fetal medicine specialists in Malaysia, Australia and Japan over the past 4 years and now she is working in CAE Healthcare as Product Specialist for Ultrasound training solution product. As a Product Specialist for ultrasound, Winnie is responsible to share the customer’s passion of teaching ultrasound with CAE product in every country and expand the ultrasound network too.

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Dr Huang
Dr Tsai
Dr Liu
Dr Lin
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